Batman is one tough dude! Even though he told me repeatedly that he was NOT going to get his tonsils out, that he was "just going to leave them in," he was brave as can be and came through the surgery without a hitch. He struck a crime-fighting pose in the waiting room of the OR just before he was brought back.
Daddy got to bring him back to the OR and stay with him while they put him experience that Devon said he would rather not describe in detail! Thank goodness for Daddy...
In great spirits!
I am so thrilled with how well he did today. He's on some pretty heavy-duty meds in the hospital right now, so I've been warned that the sunny disposition may disappear once the narcotics are gone! But after a bad PACU experience from his adenoidectomy, we were expecting the worst, and he really was a superstar today.
Thank you so much everyone for your kind thoughts and well wishes!