We had a busy weekend visiting Devon’s family, and the kids were up reaaalllly late Saturday night. So at bedtime tonight, they both crashed hard. I went in to check on Grace, and noticed she was in one of her classic crazy sleeping poses, teetering very precariously on the edge of her toddler bed.
So naturally, I left her the way she was and went to get the camera.
I came back into her room, and just as I was clicking the shutter button, she lifted her head up.
Came crashing to the floor.
Yes, it is a toddler bed, and no, she wasn’t hurt, but being woken from a deep sleep and suddenly falling to the floor is not a pleasant experience. I’m just glad to know that someday she’ll read this and think to herself -
“I can’t believe my mom just let me fall out of bed like that!”
Mom of the Year, right here!!